O Centro Jovem é uma extensão do Gabinete de Apoio ao Aluno. Estamos disponíveis para todas as dúvidas e todos os desabafos de toda a gente e ainda temos actividades às Quartas-feiras à tarde. Bom negócio, eh?



Blog do Clube Europeu

Foi hoje criado o Blog do Clube Europeu.
Destina-se a divulgar as actividades deste clube ao nível da escola, com a participação dos alunos, e também a dar a conhecer as actividades e iniciativas dos Clubes Europeus nacionais e estrangeiros.


Aceitam-se colaboradores para este blog

Se és aluno do Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilar Formoso e quiseres escrever sobre assuntos que interessem aos jovens (temas actuais, adolescência, música, entre outros) manda-nos um e-mail para centrojovemvf@gmail.com (com o nome completo, ano e turma) expressando essa intenção, a razão pela qual pretendes participar e, se possível, as áreas ou os temas sobre os quais pretendes escrever.
O teu e-mail será analisado e, caso sejas aceite, ser-te-á enviado um convite para membro deste blog.

Terás de te comprometer em colocar pelo menos um post por semana.

Informação - EU Dialogue Award

Informa-se que a turma do 10º A se retirou do concurso "EU Dialogue Awards". Os trabalhos no âmbito deste concurso iriam ser realizados durante as aulas de Inglês, uma vez que se adequavam aos conteúdos programáticos. No entanto, o facto de os alunos virem de níveis diferentes (dois vindos do 9º ano, nível 3 e dois do 9º ano, nível 5) e dadas as dificuldades detectadas ao longo do período, achou-se, obviamente, ser mais importante trabalhar com os alunos no sentido de ultrapassarem as dificuldade que foram surgindo.
A decisão foi tomada com alguma dificuldade, mas pesou aquilo que se considera ser mais importante ao nível da disciplina.


Alteração de Horários - Língua Gestual

Informa-se que não se vai realizar hoje, Quarta-feira, 10 de Dezembro, a sessão das 16h15 do Ateliê de Língua Gestual por impossibilidade da formadora.
Os alunos que quiserem podem, no entanto, assistir à sessão das 17h00.


EU Dialogue Award

No âmbito do Centro Jovem a turma de Inglês do 10º A da nossa escola concorreu ao EU Dialogue Awards e foi aceite como participante.
O concurso consiste na elaboração de um website sobre um tema pré-definido e resultante de um trabalho de equipa com outras duas equipas de duas escolas de dois países diferentes. É um concurso que decorrerá ao longo do ano lectivo (mais informações no post abaixo).
Neste momento a nossa equipa está na fase de busca de parceiros de entre as outras equipas participantes no projecto.

Não há nada como tentar!


Clubes Europeus - Concurso para 2008/2009

EU Dialogue Award


The EU has declared the year 2008 as the European year of intercultural dialogue (more at

http://ec.europa.eu/culture/eac/dialogue/dialogue_de.html). This places dialogue between the

citizens of Europe as a task for everyone at the centre of all common programmes. The internet

competition, EU Dialogue Award, run by the Zentrum für Europäische Bildung (Centre for European

Education), is an element of the German activities which are co-ordinated by the Bundesministerium

für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend and supported by the Federal government

and the EU. The EU Dialogue Award is run for the second time in the school year 2008/2009.


The EU Dialogue Award

􀂐 raises interest in “intercultural dialogue“ as a topic in class;

􀂐 fosters exchange and transnational co-operation in European school projects;

􀂐 contributes to the application and deepening of dialogue and intercultural learning in practice;

􀂐 effectively supports school exchanges and school partnerships; and

􀂐 stimulates sensible usage of information and communication technologies.


The task is to develop a website which discusses one or more aspects of the topic. The website

has to be the result of visible co-operation amongst a project group which consists of three working

groups from schools in three European countries. The teams can choose any language for

their projects, but in any event a summary / short description of the results has to be given in English.

The website will be presented on the internet by the participants.


The topic of the EU Dialogue Award in the school year 2008/09 is:

Sharing Diversity

The EU Dialogue Award is designed to encourage ways of exploring intercultural dialogue in

school projects. Projects offer a space for participants to talk to each other, listen to each other,

exchange ideas and forge understanding, re-examine viewpoints and discover shared values and

convictions. Reflecting on and recording the dialogue should be integral parts of the process.

The project should focus on a specific and clearly defined aspect. It may explore political, social,

economic, environmental or linguistic issues, but also ethical or religious themes.

Conditions for participation

Schools of every kind (but not universities) from EU member states or countries associated with

the EU can take part in the EU Dialogue Award. Participants are teams (classes or project

groups, not individuals) which work together either inside or outside of school. The minimum age

for participants ought to be 9 years. The team needs an unambiguous project email address for

any communication.

Finding partners

All schools willing to participate need to register with an online database and make available all

information necessary for the finding of partners and project-based team working. The database

is only open to schools which have registered in search of two project partners – other visitors to

the site cannot access the data.

The aim is to establish a “European Project Group” consisting of three schools of different European

countries. Already existing school partnerships can be utilised by registering up to three

partnered schools at the same time and thus forming a European Project Group.


All entries to the competition are judged in a two stage process. After an initial vote amongst the

participating teams, an international jury of experts determines the best project results. The prizes

for the winners are from € 150 up to € 750 per team. In total, there are € 5,000 for four project

groups (i.e. 12 schools). Furthermore, every team which presented results with its European Project

Group receives a certificate.


Action From To

Launch of the EU Dialogue Award on


12 November


31 December


Registration by interested schools with the online database 12 November


15 December


Finding partners and establishing European Project Groups 30 November


31 December


Working phase January 2009 April 2009

Presentation of project results online 30 April 2009

Determining the winners

Pre-election by votes amongst the teams

Final election by an international panel of experts

4 May 2009

30 May 2009

18 May 2009

31 May 2009

Handing the prizes to the winners

Sending of certificates to all teams which presented results

June 2009

Presentation of the award winning projects online on


June 2009 September


Eine Initiative der Europäischen Union

Clube Europeu - Regulamento

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